Currently, there are over 500,000 children in foster care across the United States. In Georgia, there are more than 19,000 children in state care. Due to the debilitating systemic issues facing our communities, these numbers continue to increase at an alarming rate.
In collaboration with the Georgia Division of Family and Children’s Services, Rome/Floyd County Juvenile Court, and a number of service providers and stakeholders, Global Impact has endeavored to reimagine foster care from a preventative and in-care perspective. To do this, multiple innovative and comprehensive models of engagement were needed to address the issues that fuel the foster care crisis as well as the overwhelmed system of care that serves our families currently in state care. Restoration Rome, The James House Project, and HOPE Village are three of these models. Each serves a specific purpose and works as part of a larger system designed to arrest the foster care crisis and bring healing to our communities.
Additionally, each of our local engagement models have been designed to be replicable, scalable, and independently sustainable. Global Impact is poised to assist other communities begin the journey of healing for our children and families in need through this system of care. Learn more about how you, your church, and your community can get started by clicking on any of the links below.